Concurrent Group and Individual therapy

This is by far the most effective way to do therapy that I have found. Group therapy is a very effective form of treatment for a variety of issues; see my section on Group Therapy to learn more about how groups may be able to help you.

Having ongoing 1:1 contact allows me to stay better attuned to you, making me a more effective resource for you to get the most out of group. To facilitate this arrangement, I offer a fixed monthly rate on a sliding scale for weekly, 90 minute groups and monthly 45 minute individual sessions.

Family and couples counseling


No relationship is without conflict and disagreement. Tenison is the natural consequence of two or more people growing closer to each other. No matter what stage of relationship you’re in, whether you’ve just moved in with your partner and you’re finding it difficult to live together or you’ve been married for 30 years and just sent your youngest kid off to college, engaging in family and couples counseling can breath new life into your closest connections. It’s never too soon or too late to invest in your most important relationships.

Individual therapy on a case-by-case basis

While I primarily focus seeing clients in the combined group/individual format, I will, on occasion, work solely with clients in individual therapy if it is determined that is the best fit. While I give priority for available appointments to active group members, I will accommodate requests for individual therapy as my schedule permits.